
Posted by gringobrasiliero on November 8, 2017

Hello, my name is Nolan Byrnes, and welcome to my blog about my journey in becoming a software developer!

I am a Kennesaw State University graduate with a Bachelors in Integrative Studies with a focus on Education and Foreign Language. I am currently a student at Flatirons school taking the Full Stack Web Developer course, and I am a Code Coach at theCodeSchool in East Cobb.

I decided to become a software developer because i like to figure out how things work. I made a complete entertainment system with my Raspberry Pi, and as impressed as i was with what I could do with it, i was a little disappointed that i did not wrote the code myself. I took some courses on freecodecamp and self studied computers for about a year and a half, and finally decided that writing code is what i really like to do. I love getting the feeling of accomplishment I get when I get a program to run.

After self reflection on what I like to do in my career, i realized that I like to use technology to improve business. Remembering that I implemented a program to organize a lot of paperwork through the cloud at ksu, debugged a company’s website, and always thinking of programs that can make work easier and more effectove, I decided that I was going to be a software developer.

I am very happy to begin this journey becoming a software developer and I would like to invite you to subscribe and check back in to view my progress!