A Coder's Journey

My Journey of Becoming a Web Developer

Test Driven Development

Test-Driven-Development (TDD) is a popular software development process, and you may be wondering, why? Didn’t we all finish our degrees and certifications? We are done with tests. After getting into TDD, I have grown to like it! It allows us to keep a short development cycle that reduces the amount of frustration of debugging. How so?


I was talking with a colleague of mine, and we talked about how there are lots of programmers out there that claim that they only can work with one programming language. In my opinion, this is not a good attitude to have, and it certainly will not help you when you are in the job search. There are at least 256 programming languages out there. Knowing only one will hurt you in the job search. As computer programmers, we must be multilingual.

Abstract Classes and Interfaces

Abstract Classes

Object Oriented Programming

This week, I would like to share about the advantages and disadvantages of OO Programming. Before I can talk about that, I need to clarify. What is Object Oriented Programming?

PIR Motion Sensors

This week, I created software for a door greeter that is now being used at the Coder School, to greet our students when they come into the door. I have to say that I am very proud of what I was able to accomplish, and I am now seeing the software that I have developed being used on a day to day basis. Seeing my software put into action is an amazing feeling.