A Coder's Journey

My Journey of Becoming a Web Developer

Search Engine Optimization

A Congresswoman asked Sundar Pichai (Google CEO) how Donald Trump’s picture appears in the search results when you google search the word “Idiot”. She was concerned that there was a “little man” behind the curtain deciding to send back results of Trump when the word “idiot” is searched. Google does not have a “little man” deciding what images get returned when a user searches for key terms, and they do not have board meetings discussing what should be returned. If they did, I think Yahoo would probably be the more popular search engine as Google would be an incredibly inefficient company, and there are bigger fish to fry. Instead they use technology to decide what gets returned.

MVC and Separation of Concerns

When we are creating a web application, we could put all of our lines of code all into one file. We would be able to run the entire application, however, it would be very difficult to debug, and nobody would want to read your code. It would be very difficult to navigate through. It is much better to organize your code into a MVC paradigm, which stands for Model – View – Controller.

Reverse Geocoding

You visit one of your favorite websites, and a wild popup appears. It says “https://nedditt.herokuapp.com/ wants to know your location”. Did you ever wonder what happens If you allow access, and also, how and why would I want to use this in my own website? I was curious on how to do so, so I included this feature in my website.

The sparknotes version is once you click “yes”, allowing the website access to your location, it gathers your latitude and longitude coordinates. The website will then take those coordinates, and then use Reverse Geocoding in order to take the coordinates you just allowed the site to have into human readable format. This can be done using the Google Maps Reverse Geocoding API. After the site does the API call, the site will then have the information such as the city, state, and country that you are currently in.

Set up Rspec for Rails-api

Getting started with rspec testing for your Api.

Being Agile

This week, I picked up the book called The Agile Samurai. It is a book that explains in detail what Agile development is, and a lot of great tips on how to become a better Agile developer. Before we get into what I learned from this book, what is agile?